dialecticism, hutsulism, poetry, idiostyle, Ivanna Stefiuk, collection "Wild Berry".Abstract
The proposed article is devoted to the topical issue in modern Linguistics of the interaction of territorial dialects with the literary language in works of Ukrainian fiction.
Its purpose is to analyze the different dialectal features of the poetic texts of the collection "Wild Berry" by the contemporary artist Ivanna Stefiuk.
The main research method in intelligence is analytical and descriptive. Contextual analysis made it possible to establish the functional load of dialect units and their role in text creation.
The results. The study of the speech of the texts of the named collection revealed that the author actively uses dialectal units of different levels: phonetic, morphological, word-forming and lexical. Groups of lexical dialecticisms have been established according to part-language affiliation, semantics and frequency of their use; their functions are defined.
The novelty is that the dialectal features of Ivanna Stefiuk's poetic works became the object of coverage for the first time.
Practical significance. The materials of the article can be used in philology majors in institutions of higher education during the study of the main courses and optional disciplines related to Ukrainian dialectology.
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