innovations in education, developmental education, information and computer technologies, video presentations, cognitive activity.Abstract
The article considers innovative methods of teaching Ukrainian language to foreign-language students. These methods assume the use of both – special technical information tools, and developing personal-oriented technologies. Leading among them are computer-training technologies, which allow finding, collecting, processing, storing and transmitting the information using PC.
Individualization of training and activation of students’ independent work takes place with the help of computer programs. This leads to the increased in volume tasks, which were completed in class. Multimedia training tools provide greater visibility; allow us to use the inclusion of gaming moments, thus stimulating cognitive activity and motivation. The use of computer tests allows us to quickly obtain an objective picture of the students’ material learning level and correct it in time.
Innovations in higher education are associated with the development of modern forms and means, focused on the student personality; on the development of his abilities; on the achievement a positive result due to effective changes in the process of obtaining knowledge. Thanks to this, training gets activated and, as a result, - foreign students have a greater opportunity to acquire the necessary skills and abilities in mastering foreign language in short term; to increase motivation, and also to adapt to the new socio-cultural space successfully.
Pupils should be faced with such problematic issues and tasks, solution of which requires thinking, research, and analysis. Students are no longer enough to be able only to read and translate professional texts, to perform various kinds of exercises, they should try to mobilize their knowledge, learn to identify and formulate a problem, find ways to solve it.
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