humor, cinematic discourse, black comedy, pun, audiovisual translation, comedy.Abstract
The article outlines the peculiarities of humor of the original cinematic texts in «Brooklyn 9-9» series and their translation, as well as analyzes the most typical errors and causes of their occurrence. The «Brooklyn 9-9» series is full of jokes that can be classified as dark or so-called black humor. In the cinematic discourse films filled with such kind of humor are called black comedies. The latter is well-deservedly considered to be one of the most difficult genres of cinema. It is iconic for black comedies to incorporate jokes about different sacred things, such as race, human nature, diseases, funerals, disabilities, death, values and desires whilst this kind of humor is usually forbidden in a more formal setting. When working with cinematic text containing elements of black humor, a translator faces a serious number of problems and tasks. To render a source text into a target language adequately, it is important to identify the genre-stylistic dominant of the cinematic text, and to reproduce story-forming speech acts in different contexts. For black comedy cinematic texts chronotopic, characterological, compositional and lexical-semantic contexts will be relevant. According to these, the examples of black humor and puns in «Brooklyn 9-9» series were analyzed.
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