globalization, values, technology, philosophy of technology, society.Abstract
One of the key trends in modern society is globalization. The necessary feature of globalization processes is technologization. It undoubtedly influences the formation and translation of values, but the question arises to what extent this effect is positive. The purpose of the research is to reveal the value aspect of the technologization in the context of globalization processes. Economic, political and social globalization has different peculiarities of the transformation of values, which requires an individual approach during a humanitarian and philosophical examination. It is proved that the analysis of value changes under the influence of technologization and globalization is necessary for the control and regulation of processes taking place in society. So, social globalization indirectly uses technology, the exchange of values that is now possible through technology, when the Internet serves as a platform for international interaction and communication, promotes a better understanding of other cultures, and thus fosters respect for them. It is substantiated that processes of social globalization are long-term and require strict control in order to exclude the probability of loss of certain basic values such as identity, cultural peculiarity. It is determined that technologization in the conditions of economic and political globalization is a catalyst for the creation of new values, or replacement of the old ones. The democratization of the world and civil society are the new values through the spread of technological advances, but they present a threat to the national state and fragmented society, which defines national identity. The consequences of the transformation of values in economic and political globalization are analyzed. The results are not unambiguous, since there is a risk of loss of the core values, so this process should be controlled by humanitarian and philosophical expertise, consultation and assessment of economic and political processes.
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