"THE DAY IS GIVEN" - FOR LIGHT, FOR "PHILOSOPHY OF THE HEART", FOR THINKING (based on the collection of poems "A roll on the bench" by Maria Vayno)


  • Marta Khorob Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University




Maria Vaino, poet-philosopher, "philosophy of the heart", the world of the lyrical heroine.


The purpose of the article: to analyze in detail the third and to date the last book of poems "A roll on the bench" by Maria Vaino, to show the growth of poetic skill and its absolute dissimilarity in comparison with, for example, the first book, where the central theme is the motif of betrayed love, the difference in imagery, multifaceted motifs and poetic style - with two previous collections ("Astringency", "Ariadna's Thread") and "Uzhhorod cycle". This determines the scientific novelty of understanding. Research methods: hermeneutic, receptive aesthetics, concrete-historical. The practical significance of the article is that its results can be used in understanding the Ukrainian poetic process of the late 1990s and early 20th century and, in particular, the creative work of Maria Vayno as a lyricist, poet when writing course, diploma, master's or other types of works.


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How to Cite

Khorob, M. (2023). "THE DAY IS GIVEN" - FOR LIGHT, FOR "PHILOSOPHY OF THE HEART", FOR THINKING (based on the collection of poems "A roll on the bench" by Maria Vayno). PRECARPATHIAN BULLETIN OF THE SHEVCHENKO SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY Word, (18(69), 182–193. https://doi.org/10.31471/2304-7402-2023-18(69)-182-193