children with recurrent respiratory infections, pneumonia, treatment, immunoprophylaxis.Abstract
Indicators of immune status, glutathione redox system, microelement composition of blood in pneumonia in children aged 3-8 years with high incidence of acute respiratory infections (ARI) were studied. Their dynamics during treatment and after immunoprophylaxis of recurrent ARI were analyzed. We detected levels of interleukin-2 (IL-2), -4, beta-2-microglobulin (β2-MG), glutathione reductase (GR), glutathione transferase (GT), glutathione peroxidase (GP), level of iron, zinc, copper in the blood of children receiving treatment for pneumonia according to the protocol, as well as in combination with Glutoxim and immunoprophylaxis of recurrent ARI. Expressed imbalance of cytokine status indicators was detected: reduced amount of IL-2 on the background of IL-4 increasing, indicating switching of immune response to humoral immunity part. Decreased β2-MG as a marker of immunosuppression was noted, an imbalance of glutathione redox system enzymes (reduced activity of GR, GT on the background of increased GP), reduction of iron and zinc, increased copper level. Treatment of pneumonia in children according to protocol in combination with Glutoxim and immune prophylaxis of recurrent ARI, which included prescription of Broncho-munal, Licopid, Vitrum Kids, Lactomun, was done and contributed to the positive dynamics of cytokine status indicators (increased levels of IL-2 on the background of decreased IL-4), glutathione redox systems (increased levels of GR, GT, reduced GP), normalization of iron, zinc, copper levels, unlike in children who received only the protocol treatment for pneumonia without further immunoprophylaxis of ARI, in whom positive dynamics of the above mentioned parameters were not noted.
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