well, support, cementing plug, sectional casing and cementing, liner-hanger.Abstract
The article reviews the hydrocarbon potential and estimates the resource potential for their extraction from the subsoil of Ukraine. The volumes of oil and gas production by the largest state-owned extractive companies are considered. The importance of active involvement of the resource fund of fields with hard-to-recover hydrocarbon reserves is emphasized. Scientific schools of geology have confirmed the importance and necessity of extracting hydrocarbons that lie at deep and ultra-deep depths. In such conditions, it is necessary to ensure reliable and high-quality well casing, which can be achieved by using composite plugging systems and modern technological equipment. It has been established that due to the mixing of technological fluids, cement stone suffers from a decrease in strength characteristics and deterioration of operational properties. One of the methods to improve the quality of casing and cementing is to use cementing plugs that prevent mixing of technological fluids in the casing string, ensure cleaning of the pipe string and signal the completion of the cementing process. Typical plugs used in casing cementing, as well as process disruption arising from the loss of their working capacity, are analyzed. Based on the methods of mathematical and physical modelling with the use of modern engineering design software, cementing plugs of various designs have been designed. The design of the plugs takes into account the complex technological and thermobaric conditions of their operation. On the example of the cementing plug PP-89, simulation modelling of the plug passing through the drill string is shown, which confirmed the efficiency of the developed design. The results of simulation modelling for other standard sizes of cementing plugs and technical devices allowed us to optimize the design features of the plug-rubbers and improve their reliability. Industrial testing of cementing plugs in devices for sectional well casing, as well as for well casing with liner-hanger of various modifications, confirmed the successful design of plugs for various purposes and their operational reliability.
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