obliquely directed well, fastening, reliability, centerer, well wall, trench production, complication, annular space, tamponage solution.Abstract
The problem of the formation of reliable fastening of inclined wells due to the effective centering of the casing strings in them is considered. The production material related to the construction of wells of BU "Ukrburgaz" for the period 2000-2023 was analyzed. A predominant increase in the volume of drilling inclined-directed wells and, at the same time, an increase in the number of cases of poor-quality fastening of wells was noted. The main complications associated with poor-quality fastening relate to the failure of the casing columns to reach the design depths. The peculiarities of the structures of obliquely directed wells were analyzed and it was emphasized that the main reason for the non-admission is the presence of grooves on their walls, which can have different shapes and a long length. An inspection of the currently used centralizers was carried out and it was established that their technical characteristics do not allow for unimpeded descent of the casing strings, especially due to the spatial curvature of the borehole axis and the presence of trenches on its walls. Also, they cannot always contribute to the concentric arrangement of the column in the well and the formation of an annular gap of the required size. The construction of an elastic-rigid centerer has been developed, which ensures high permeability of the casing string along the wellbore and the efficiency of centering and creates the proper conditions for the formation of high-quality and reliable fastening.
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