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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format. For papers in mathematics, it is preferable to submit LaTeX-file with usage of our style and maket-files.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined Author Guidelines in the section "Submission".

Author Guidelines

General requirements to the papers

When preparing manuscripts to the submission to the editorial office of the "Precarpathian Bulletin of Schevchenko Scientific Society.  Number", the following rules should be observed:

1) The article should contain a brief introduction, the formulation of tasks (problems), and the presentation of new results obtained by the author (co-authors). Retelling of known facts, references to unpublished works are not allowed.

2) Materials to be sent to the editorial office include:

manuscript (including figures and tables), printed on the A4 format white paper;

information about the authors;

electronic variant of the article.

3) The article should be written in Ukrainian or English. It does not exceed 20 pages. 

4) The article should be made as follows: UDC, article title; author's surname and initials (and coauthors), affilation (title of organization, its full mail address, e-mail, phone), abstract (1200 symbols, approximately 20 lines), keywords, text of manuscript, references. 

If the article is written in Ukrainian (in English), then  all listed items from the title to the keywords are also  included in English (Ukrainian) language at the end of the article, respectively.

5) Each numbered formula must be listed into a single line. You must number the referenced formulas. 

6) List of references used by author which have references in the text is provided at the end of the article as a general list in order of appearance or in alphabetical order. It should include only sources which have references in the article. Ordinal number of the reference in the text (according to the list) is provided in square brackets, for instance, [4].  Samples of the bibliographical description of the book, article, abstract of conference reports: 

1. Боголюбов Н.Н. Асимптотические методы в теории нелинейных колебаний / Н.Н.Боголюбов, Ю.А.Митропольський. – М.: Наука, 1974. – 504 с.

2. Кондрат Р.М. Підвищення газонафтоконденсатовіддачі родовищ / Р.М.Кондрат // Нафтова і газова промисловість. – 1992. – №2. – С. 35-38.

3. Бойко В.С. Проводка горизонтальних і похилих свердловин як метод ефективного освоєння і розробки покладу / В.С.Бойко, Р.В.Бойко // Стан, проблеми і перспективи розвитку нафтогазового комплексу Західного регіону України: Тези доповідей і повідомлень наук.-практ. конф. (Львів, 28-30 березня 1995 р.). – Львів, 1995. – С. 150.

7) On a separate page, you must indicate the author's name, co-authors, scientific degree, academic rank, position (at the end of each issue of the journal, we publish information about the authors).

Electronic variant of the article should meet the following requirements:

1.Article is typed in Microsoft Office Word 98–2000/XP Editor on the B5 format white paper (182х257 mm), margins (mm): upper – 20, lower – 10, internal – 30, external – 20. 

2. Main text is typed in the way as follows:

2.1.“Usual” font style, font Times New Roman (Cyr), font size 12, indent – 0.75 cm, line pitch – 1 cm. 

2.2. Typing plan:

UDC (Times New Roman (Cyr), font size 12 indentless, text alignment – left).

Article title (Arial (Cyr), font size 12, bold, in words, indentless, text alignment – centre, interval top and bottom – 9 pt). 

Initials, author’s surname (and co-authors’) (Arial (Cyr), fonts size 12, bold, indentless, alignment – centre). Responsible author should be marked with asterisk.

Title of organization, its full mail address, e-mail (Times New Roman (Cyr): fonts size 12, italic, indentless, alignment – centre, interval bottom – 9 pt). 

2.3. Intervals are not used in the text except for article subsections (subsections, subpoints, etc. are separated by intervals “before” – 9, “after” – 6). 

3. Inbuilt in Microsoft Office Equation v. 3.0 Editor is used to type formulas. Font styles: Text – Times New Roman (Cyr), Function – Times New Roman (Cyr), italic. Variable Times New Roman (Cyr), italic, L.C.Greek Symbol, italic, Symbol Symbol, italic, Matrix/Vector Times New Roman (Cyr), Number Times New Roman (Cyr).  Sizes: Full – 12, Subscript/Superscript – 9, Sub-Subscript/Superscript – 5, Symbol – 14, Sub-Symbol – 9.

 For clarity it is recommended to separate formulas with upper and lower intervals, each approximating 6 pt.

4. Tables should be laconic, clear and include minimal data necessary to illustrate the text of the article. 

Table title: Times New Roman (Cyr), font size 11, bold, indentless, text alignment – centre, intervals top – 6 pt

5. Article illustrations (charts, graphs, diagrams) should be performed halftone (vector) format (BMP, TIF, PCX, JPG, GIF, CDR) and attached as a separate file. MS WORD Graph Editor is not applicable!!!  Photos should have resolution not lower than 400 dpi and/or be attached to the original.

Illustrations re-scanned from periodicals or manually drawn are unacceptable!

Captions to illustrations: Times New Roman (Cyr), font size 11-12, bold, indentless, text alignment – centre.

 Illustration scripts should have Arial font style. 

6. You can submit math paper in LaTeX-format, if it is prepared with usage of our style-file and our maket

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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.